

I don’t like winter. I always forget it, so every year I am forcibly reminded that the cold and the dark saps my motivation and my joy for the winter months.
Some days the weather is sunny and warm or sunny and crisp and then I feel like winter is fun, but I tend to forget that most of winter is cold and grey and dark and wet.

I haven’t been out with a camera, properly out, for two months now. I’ve gone on errands and grabbed a few shots on the way, but I haven’t been properly out. I haven’t felt excited to photograph, I haven’t felt the thrill of the world happening around me, I haven’t marveled at the perfect color of the afternoon light in the city. I miss it, but winter hasn’t passed yet.

Tomorrow maybe I’ll go out on a mini trip, to shoot one specific picture and carry my proper gear that makes me feel like a proper photographer.
Feeling is important in photography. A painter can’t paint without the right mood and a photographer can’t photograph. For me, good light and a camera that feels good to raise are the combination that puts me in a good mood.
Let’s hope for that for tomorrow so I can have a little fun.

Well, anyways.