

Today I’m thinking about what I feel is worth or not worth photographing. I have a deep sense that things need to be worthy to be photographed, that they need to Matter in some way. But that is, I think, a false beliefe born from a desire for establisent acceptance and for an easy explanation in every moment for why I am doing what I’m doing.

I need to stop thinking of myself as a Photographer. I am just a guy and photographing things helps me make sense of the world. So I photograph things that catch my attention or that I find curious in some way. That should be enough, that is supposed to be enough.

I want to stop thinking about results and meaning and reception and respectability. I have skills that the average amateur doesn’t, so I can make good images. I want to use that skill but lose the seriousness, and just play and shoot and catch life. I want to have fun, without thinking about where that image fits in a larger vody of work or in a career.

Well, anyways.