

One of my regularly recurring hyperfocus subjects is how to collect digital things from the web. While I don’t do much structured research, I often do unstructured research. I tend to do this in two ways:

I have a tendency to want to collect, organize and archive the things I find: interesting websites, personal blogs, articles, notes, ideas, products, tools, ways of making a zine, all sorts of random things, depending on the topic I’m hyperfocused on at the time. How to do this collecting and organizing and archiving is itself a frequent subject of my hyperfocus.

I tend to want to collect various types of things - articles, guides, scraps of ideas, quotes, images, personal websites of random people, things I see in the real world, my own thoughts and ideas, references, manuals, websites of tools and apps, PDFs, etc. I also want to collect things around a variety of topics - technology, website making, programming, note taking, zine making, photography, writing, ideas for creative projects, lifestyle dreams, methodologies for thinking, philosophies, taxonomies, etc. These are all digital artifacts, most originating on someone else’s website or as a social media post (these have an URL) and some originating with me (these are image files or text, sometimes even audio recordings).

My problem is twofold: what tool to use to collect these things and how to organize/structure my collection.

Some of my requirements for my ideal collecting/curating/archiving setup:

Things I’ve tried so far and why they aren’t ideal:

So I keep searching for the perfect tool. I’m afraid, that I’ll need to make a compromise somewhere, but I still hope there is something out there for this that I can confidently use.

Well, anyways.