

Saw the most amazing documentary film today. It’s a Hungarian film titled “Kix” and it follows the life of a boy from a poor Budapest family over 12 years! Starting with a random encounter with one of the filmmakers when the boy’s 8, it follows his childhood and adolescence spent mostly on the streets of his neighborhood fooling around, getting into fights, skateboarding and lighting bins on fire. It’s a touching, challenging film about a kid, who isn’t exactly a hero charachter, but certainly has a lot of charisma that he uses to try and make his place in the world despite living in a single room with 5 other family members.

The film is beautiful as a piece of cinema and that’s not something you see every day with a documentary. It also made me realize how different my chosen medium of photography is. I can imagine a long term photography project around a similar main character, but I feel that photography can never do what a film like this can.

Well, anyways.